Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's try a sonnet then shall we?

Sitting at the coffee shop, realized
I wrote my sonnet wrong. I fantasized

Upon this day I try my hand and thus
I write a poem. It has been too long
But this, my pen, or iMac, I do trust.
To convey words, from my fingers, along.

This semester started off as chaos!
I struggle to regain some solid ground.
I can't find a word that rhymes with chaos,
If you do will you tell me what you found?

And since I have all of your attention,
Does anyone know well how to speed-read?
Tricks that do not lead one to dementia
Karmically, teaching would be a good deed.

So far this sonnet is plotless, okay,
But, we'll just say, no inspiration came.
I'm hungry, tired, and whiney today,
And ready for a nap, a little lame.

So here I go to make dinner and sleep
If you visit, SHHH! Do not make a peep!


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