Thursday, April 28, 2011

The worst returns to laughter

Missed 2 questions...

What does Titus feed to the Queen of the Goths?
- her Children

What song did this group sing that matchedOthello
- Ring of Fire

Which cliche character plated Othello?
- Indian Chief

If you banish the negative people you take away the world

The stage and the world are the same.

The Boar's Head Tavern

Te Hammock of Time is associated with what play?
- Much Ado About Nothing

The word "noting" means what? (Elizabethan standard slang)
-sexual relations (female genitalia)

What did Angelo want Isabella to give him?
- Her virtue

The title Measure For Measure comes from where?
-The Sermon on the Mount

Who in the play Coriolanus would play the boar?

Antony and Cleopatra is like the mature version of
-Romeo and Juliet (Viagra)

Iago is what mythological person according to Riley?

If you want to change your personality, according to Spencer, all you have to do is...
-Change your hat.

What was Nick's advice as to the roles that we play?
-Play them as best you can

What sin is most prominent, according to Taylor?
-all of them

According to Jamie, Rosalind and Celia are like which two Biblical characters?
-Naomi and Ruth

What was one of the literary theories that Nate talked about?
-Presentism (what does the text mean here and now)

The remembrance that really counts is the one that traces back through the Real to the mythological.

Which person in this class did not have a question? Villain.

Who did Roberto compare Caliban to?

According to Lauren Scull, what is the Myth surrounding Caliban

According to Shelby, why does Shakespeare go away from conventional plot?
-To elevate us to the sublime

Silence of Cordelia, Silence of Sycorax 

What is the point of this class?
Mything the point

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Just April

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Here is a clip of just April's classes in case waiting for the whole semester to load is too time consuming.

A Semester of Shakespeare

A Semester of Shakespeare
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Sorry Ladies and Gents, my files all got tanked for some reason so here is the conglomerate of the semester in a single post. Bonus though, it loaded all my notes this time instead of just the first page with the audio!

Why is a Guru Like a Writing Desk?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


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p.24 - Venus & Adonis
          "... in her light chariot..."

- "Nothing is ever lost" - Shakespeare

- Remember everything.
          Echo's echo

- Anamnesis
          - Unforgetting

- Ariel - What time is left
          Time - temper - tempest - time

- Roberto/Ariel
          "On the sixth hour, at which time my lord. You said our work should cease."

- Term Paper Idea: Silent as Iago

- The whole play is a play within a play

- PROSPERO's BOOKS (Which I have if anyone would like a copy of this hard to find dvd)


- What time is it?

- How many times does Prospero say "now"?
          - 79

- What game are Miranda and Ferdinand playing?
          - Chess

- What chore - Ferdinand & Caliban?
          - Carrying wood

- Where does Prospero get his power?
          - Robe/Books

- Seeing/Doing/Speaking
          - Sacramental

- How is Antony like Prospero?
          - Conquer the feminine

- Which persona did Sr. Sexson NOT apply to Prospero?
          - Hobbit

- Sycorax
          - Sow/Boar

- To be remembered
          - In Antony and Cleopatra
                    - What is curious about all the scenes with Antony and Cleopatra together?
                              - They are never alone.

- Best way to free someone from pain?
          - Entrap them in fantasy

- Consuming myth in Pericles?
          - Demeter & Persephone
- What is the mole on Imogen's Breast
          - Cowslip
          - Tinkerbell/Julia Roberts
- Handkerchief
          - Cowslip
                    - Echo

- What is fun?
          - "It's all an echo"

- The most important female alchemist?
          - Paulina
          - Female Magician (Mage)

- What does Paulina do to awaken Hermione?
          - Plays music

- What poem does MSU's motto come from? (Mountains and Minds)
          - Gerard Manley Hopkins "No Worse There is None"

- Cleopatra death?
          - Snake

- What or whom always shows up in romance?
          - Pirates

- What word is mentioned most in the notion of outcome in A Winter's Tale
          - Issues

- When Antony quotes "The shirt of Nessus is upon me"
          - The Shirt of Flame
          - Hercules

- Why do Alonso and Sebastian believe they won't die in the Tempest?
          - The Mariner had the hanging mark, not the drowning mark

- Most famous stage direction from A Winter's Tale
          - Exit Perused by a bear

- What changes does Imogen go through?
          - Fidel (faithful)

- Mimelias - Boy in A Winter's Tale
          - Leontes - story

- What are three words Frye prepare for King Lear?
          - Nothing
          - Fool
          - Nature

- Who does Lear love the most in the beginning? (Offends him)
          - Cordelia ("my heart")

- What is Lady Gaga swimming in?
          - A bath of cottage cheese

- "If thou wilt weep my fortunes ______   ______   ______"
          - take my eyes

- What play has the most protracted recognition scene?
          - Pericles (Father and Daughter)

- "What seest thou else in the dark backward and abysm of time?"

- Which play has the Scooby Do ending?
          - Cymbaline

- What happens to Guiderias just before he is revealed as Cymbaline's son?
          - Exiled

- What are the three goddesses revealed at the end of A Winter's Tale?
          - Perdita/Paulina/Hermione
          - Mother/Maiden/Crone

- What is the answer to the riddle in Pericles?
          - Incest

Remember to read up on the notes taken on Jennifer, Taylor and Karinne's blogs!

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Story of Citizens United v. FEC (2011)

The man stopped Shakespeare. This time we can fight back!
(Okay, that's a bit of a stretch but whatever; this is important.)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


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Test Questions

1) About which play does NF say critics have been making faces because it upsets the conventions of...

2) A Great Reckoning in a Little Room
- Christopher Marlowe

3) These are the councilors that ______________________
- Feelingly persuade ...

4) What name does Roseline take for her male character?
- Ganymede

5) What kind of speech act is committed in the following stages of life:
- Baby - Mewling &c.

6) What does "miles gloriosus"
- Braggart soldier

7) Which character in AWTEW is a "miles gloriosus"

8) Who is Puck addressing?

9) What profession does Jacques want?
- Join Duke Frederick and become a holy man

10) Why is the Clown getting married?
- (Free sex) The Devil drive

11) What is the term used which is an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation?
- Deus exmachina

12) Shakespeare (in this class) is...
- Mythic and Historical

13) What did Eliot say about S?
- We can only be wrong about him in a new way.

14) According to Borjes, who is S?
- Who isn't S? (Shakespeare is everyone and no-one, nothing, everything)

15) The human mind has the power to encompass what? (according to Turner)
- The entire universe

16) Who is the god (Deus exmachina) descending at the end of AYLI?
- Hymen

17) What does created neologism mean?
- (create your own, coin your own word, give a definition)

18) According to Keats, if you want to be another person you must _____?
- Empty yourself out
- negative capability

19) Orlando is to Rosland as Touchstone is to _______?
- Audrey the Country Wench

20) When the alchemist was turning lead into gold what were they doing?
- Water into wine.

21) Rot and Ripen

22) What is a hieros gamos?
- Sacred marriage

23) According to AMSND, what is the Wood?
- Outskirts of Town

24) The first 16 sonnets had what theme?
- Body babies

25) The rest of the sonnets?
- Mind babies...

26) What does Hughes say is S's consuming myth?
- Venus and Adonis

27) Frye, Shakespeare, Forest of Arden...
- The Green World

28) We are their _______ and _________?
- Parents and originals

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Let's try a sonnet then shall we?

Sitting at the coffee shop, realized
I wrote my sonnet wrong. I fantasized

Upon this day I try my hand and thus
I write a poem. It has been too long
But this, my pen, or iMac, I do trust.
To convey words, from my fingers, along.

This semester started off as chaos!
I struggle to regain some solid ground.
I can't find a word that rhymes with chaos,
If you do will you tell me what you found?

And since I have all of your attention,
Does anyone know well how to speed-read?
Tricks that do not lead one to dementia
Karmically, teaching would be a good deed.

So far this sonnet is plotless, okay,
But, we'll just say, no inspiration came.
I'm hungry, tired, and whiney today,
And ready for a nap, a little lame.

So here I go to make dinner and sleep
If you visit, SHHH! Do not make a peep!


My Personal Bible

Probably not very original but, as a bibliophile, my Bible is the dictionary. I can't quote you chapter and verse, unless your question is "propriety," but it's pretty easy to look things up in.

2011 01 25

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Hand and I

My only experience with Shakespeare comes from my Intro to Lit class that I took from Nora Smith and reading The Tempest a few semesters back. For my final in Intro to Lit I had to memorize these several lines of Hamlet and recite them from memory.

Make mad the guilty and appal the free,
Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed
The very faculties of eyes and ears. Yet I,
A dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak,
Like John-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause,
And can say nothing; no, not for a king,
Upon whose property and most dear life
A damn'd defeat was made. Am I a coward?
Who calls me villain? breaks my pate across?
Plucks off my beard, and blows it in my face?
Tweaks me by the nose? gives me the lie i' the throat,
As deep as to the lungs? who does me this?
'Swounds, I should take it: for it cannot be
But I am pigeon-liver'd and lack gall
To make oppression bitter, or ere this
I should have fatted all the region kites
With this slave's offal: bloody, bawdy villain!
Remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain!
O, vengeance!
Why, what an ass am I!


I apologize for only getting the first 40 minutes or so. My pen has been having battery problems. I'll see about budgeting in a new one and hopefully everything will be as it should be by next class.


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2011 01 13

Page 657 reading

HomeWork: Lift your someone's sleeping eyelids and look into their eyes.

- The Rape of Lucrece
- Venus and Adonis

Turner, School of Night

- Become Sir Walter Raleigh in the School of Night
          - You must, in your group,  be effective, outrageous and you must change the world (The Globe?)

mnemonic |nəˈmänik|

a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.

Blog about the Common Place

hermetic |hərˈmetik|
1 (of a seal or closure) complete and airtight : a hermetic seal that ensures perfect waterproofing.
• insulated or protected from outside influences : a hermetic society.
2 (also Hermetic) of or relating to an ancient occult tradition encompassing alchemy, astrology, and theosophy.
• esoteric; cryptic : obscure and hermetic poems.

Titania - "We are the parents & the originals."

READ: Venus and Adonis
READ: The Rape of Lucrece
READ: Sonnets 15, 18, 30, 55, 60, 63, 65, 73, 129, 130

BLOG: What's your experience with Shakespeare?

"From Angry Birds to Shakespeare"

"If you can't read all of Shakespeare at least read the plot-lines and summaries." - Sexson

Be ready for an assigned play next class play!

Contemplate secondary works from the syllabus. Exceptions from the syllabus are allowed.